UX Consultant

Usability Testing Changes Things

Creating the right questions and atmosphere to gather valuable insights from users

The Challenge

A new company saw an opportunity to create a tool that would help Hiring Managers test potential WordPress developers before reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates. After designing and developing an MVP version of this tool, the company wanted to test the tool with real users before releasing to the public.


Facilitate a moderated in-person usability test where participants are asked to complete a series of specific tasks using the new tool.

There are two sets of participants for this usability test:

  • Hiring Managers - completing tasks associated with the hiring dashboard, creating a developer test for a new position and reviewing exam results

  • Developer Candidates / Test Takers - completing tasks associated with being invited by a company to take an exam, signing up, and completing the exam



Contextual Inquiry

Test Plan



Qualitative Data

User Stories

User Flows


Create Dev Tickets

Revise Designs

Script Question Examples

Hiring Manager

What do you think this service offers?

What questions do you have about the service?

How would you go about signing up?

How did you feel when you finished signing up?

Tell me about the screen you are looking at. Is this what you expected?

What are you able to do from here?

What would you do first?

Can you describe the difference between the different developer types?

Is that what you expected to happen?

What would you do now?

What confused you?

Test Taker

What are your initial impressions of this page?

What can you do from this page?

Let’s say this question is so confusing and you think it is incorrect. What would you do?

What would you do from here?

Let’s say you’ve completed all the questions and you feel comfortable completing the test. How would you end the exam?

What happens now? Is this what you were expecting?

What would you do next?

What hesitations would you have for recommending this service?

What didn’t you like about the exam?

What did you like?

Inquiry Time!


Some Results


User Stories / Flow


Updated Dashboard User Flow


Before & After


Before Usability Testing

Before Usability Testing

After Usability Testing

After Usability Testing


Exam Examples
